Java Object Layout#
以下内容基于 OpenJDK 21 。因为 OpenJDK oop header markword 的 bit layout,在不同版本中,可以有大的、不兼容的变化。如:
Oop Header#
src/hotspot/share/oops/oop.hpp 定义了 Oop 对象头内存 layout :
class oopDesc {
volatile markWord _mark;
union _metadata/*class word*/ {
Klass* _klass;
narrowKlass _compressed_klass;
} _metadata;
是 unsigned long int
8 bytes。
是 8 bytes 的地址指针。
是 uint32_t 4 bytes。
所以,整个 oopDesc
最大情况下,大小是 16 byte。
Java Objects Inside Out -
you would notice the object header consists of two parts:
mark word
andclass word
.Class word
carries the information about the object’s type: it links to the native structure that describes the class
Mark Word#
mark word
存储 GC移动对象用的元数据(
forwarding 标记行动中
和object age 对象年龄
identity hash code
locking information
src/hotspot/share/oops/markWord.hpp 中说明了对应版本 OpenJDK 的内存 layout :
// The markWord describes the header of an object.
// Bit-format of an object header (most significant first, big endian layout below):
// 64 bits:
// --------
// unused:25 hash:31 -->| unused_gap:1 age:4 unused_gap:1 lock:2 (normal object)
// - hash contains the identity hash value: largest value is
// 31 bits, see os::random(). Also, 64-bit vm's require
// a hash value no bigger than 32 bits because they will not
// properly generate a mask larger than that: see library_call.cpp
// - the two lock bits are used to describe three states: locked/unlocked and monitor.
// [ptr | 00] locked ptr points to real header on stack (stack-locking in use)
// [header | 00] locked locked regular object header (fast-locking in use)
// [header | 01] unlocked regular object header
// [ptr | 10] monitor inflated lock (header is swapped out)
// [ptr | 11] marked used to mark an object
// [0 ............ 0| 00] inflating inflation in progress (stack-locking in use)
// We assume that stack/thread pointers have the lowest two bits cleared.
// - INFLATING() is a distinguished markword value of all zeros that is
// used when inflating an existing stack-lock into an ObjectMonitor.
// See below for is_being_inflated() and INFLATING().
class markWord {
uintptr_t _value;
本书的实验环境是 X86 64bit,是: Little-endian (LSB) means we start with the least significant part in the lowest address. 说白了,就如一个 8 byte unsigned long 值 0x00007fffdc6b1234,地址最低的 byte 保存了 0x34 。
// Bit-format of an object header (most significant first, big endian layout below):
// 64 bits:
// --------
// unused:25 hash:31 -->| unused_gap:1 age:4 unused_gap:1 lock:2 (normal object)
在 x86 64bit 中,应该解读为
// Bit-format of an object header (most significant first, big endian layout below):
// 64 bits:
// --------
// unused:25 hash:31 -->| unused_gap:1 age:4 unused_gap:1 lock:2 (normal object)
高地址 ----------------------------------------------------> 低地址
Object Young GC age#
package org.openjdk.jol.samples;
public class JOLSample_22_Promotion {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
long processID = ProcessHandle.current().pid();
System.out.println("PID: " + processID);
Object o = new TestClass();
for (int i = 1; ; i++) {
System.out.println(i + ": Please use jhsdb to get addr object: scanoops 0xXXXXXX 0x0XXXXXX org.openjdk.jol.samples.TestClass");
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
String s = reader.readLine();
if( s == null ) {
// make garbage
byte[] bs = new byte[1024*1024*5];//Mb
bash -c 'echo $$ > /tmp/ && exec setarch $(uname -m) --addr-no-randomize java -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch -Xms100m -Xmx100m -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=5 -server -XX:+UseSerialGC -XX:-UseCompressedOops -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions "-Xlog:gc*=debug::tid" -Xlog:safepoint=debug::tid -cp /home/labile/pub-diy/jvm-insider-book/memory/java-obj-layout/out/production/java-obj-layout org.openjdk.jol.samples.JOLSample_22_Promotion'
[168173] Compressed class space mapped at: 0x0000000080000000-0x00000000c0000000, reserved size: 1073741824
1: Please use jhsdb to get addr object: scanoops 0xXXXXXX 0x0XXXXXX org.openjdk.jol.samples.TestClass
2: Please use jhsdb to get addr object: scanoops 0xXXXXXX 0x0XXXXXX org.openjdk.jol.samples.TestClass
3: Please use jhsdb to get addr object: scanoops 0xXXXXXX 0x0XXXXXX org.openjdk.jol.samples.TestClass
4: Please use jhsdb to get addr object: scanoops 0xXXXXXX 0x0XXXXXX org.openjdk.jol.samples.TestClass
[42221] Safepoint synchronization initiated using futex wait barrier. (10 threads)
[42221] GC(0) Pause Young (Allocation Failure)
[42221] GC(0) Heap before GC invocations=0 (full 0):
[42221] GC(0) def new generation total 30720K, used 23578K [0x00007fffdac00000, 0x00007fffdcd50000, 0x00007fffdcd50000)
# 在上面 java 程序输出: 1: Please use jhsdb to get addr object: scanoops 0xXXXXXX 0x0XXXXXX org.openjdk.jol.samples.TestClass 时执行:
$ sudo /home/labile/opensource/jdk/build/linux-x86_64-server-slowdebug-hsdis/jdk/bin/jhsdb clhsdb --pid $(cat /tmp/
hsdb> universe
Heap Parameters:
Gen 0: eden [0x00007fffdac00000,0x00007fffdb406a10,0x00007fffdc6b0000) space capacity = 27983872, 30.07360811255855 used
from [0x00007fffdc6b0000,0x00007fffdc6b0000,0x00007fffdca00000) space capacity = 3473408, 0.0 used
to [0x00007fffdca00000,0x00007fffdca00000,0x00007fffdcd50000) space capacity = 3473408, 0.0 usedInvocations: 0
Gen 1: old [0x00007fffdcd50000,0x00007fffdcd50000,0x00007fffe1000000) space capacity = 69926912, 0.0 usedInvocations: 0
hsdb> scanoops 0x00007fffdac00000 0x00007fffdcd50000 org.openjdk.jol.samples.TestClass
0x00007fffdb33edc0 org/openjdk/jol/samples/TestClass
hsdb> inspect 0x00007fffdb33edc0
hsdb> mem 0x00007fffdb33edc0/2
0x00007fffdb33edc0: 0x0000000000000001 = binary: age:0000 unused_gap:0 lock:01
hsdb> detach
# 在上面 java 程序输出: GC(0) Pause Young (Allocation Failure) 时执行:
hsdb> reattach
hsdb> scanoops 0x00007fffdac00000 0x00007fffdcd50000 org.openjdk.jol.samples.TestClass
# 通过地址,结合上面 universe 的输出,可见,对象已经从 Eden Area 移动到 Young to area
0x00007fffdca40180 org/openjdk/jol/samples/TestClass
hsdb> inspect 0x00007fffdca40180
hsdb> mem 0x00007fffdca40180/2
# 可见,对象已经从 Age 从 0 变成 1
0x00007fffdca40180: 0x0000000000000009 = binary: age:0001 unused_gap:0 lock:01
hsdb> detach
(gdb) p ((oopDesc*)0x00007fffdca40180)->_mark._value
$1 = 9
(gdb) set $mark_addr = &(((oopDesc*)0x00007fffdca40180)->_mark._value)
(gdb) x/8xb $mark_addr
0x7fffdca40180: 0x09 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
(gdb) x/8tb $mark_addr
0x7fffdca40180: 00001001 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
(gdb) x/1tg $mark_addr
0x7fffdca40180: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001001 = age:0001 unused_gap:0 lock:01
Class word#
hsdb> inspect 0x00007fffdca40180
instance of Oop for org/openjdk/jol/samples/TestClass @ 0x00007fffdca40180 (size = 16)
_mark: 9
_metadata._compressed_klass: InstanceKlass for org/openjdk/jol/samples/TestClass
(gdb) p *((oopDesc*)0x00007fffdca40180)
{_mark = {_value = 9, _metadata = {_klass = 0x80084a10, _compressed_klass = 2148026896}}
由于我已经 -XX:-UseCompressedOops
所以不采用 _compressed_klass ,采用 _klass。
p *((Klass*)0x80084a10)
$3 = {<Metadata> = {<MetaspaceObj> = {_vptr.Metadata = 0x7ffff7c256a0 <vtable for InstanceKlass+16>, _valid = 0}, static KLASS_KIND_COUNT = 7,
_layout_helper = 16, _kind = Klass::InstanceKlassKind, _modifier_flags = 1, _super_check_offset = 64, _name = 0x7ffff03fd698, _secondary_super_cache = 0x0, _secondary_supers = 0x7fffd0000048, _primary_supers = {0x80041200,
0x80084a10, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, _java_mirror = {_obj = 0x7ffff03a8720}, _super = 0x80041200, _subklass = 0x0, _next_sibling = 0x800db970, _next_link = 0x80084800, _class_loader_data = 0x7ffff03a84a0,
_vtable_len = 5, _access_flags = {_flags = 33}, _trace_id = 84148224, _shared_class_path_index = -1, _shared_class_flags = 0, _archived_mirror_index = -1}
由 vtable for InstanceKlass
可知,这个对象的具体 class 是 Klass 的 sub class InstanceKlass
。看看 java 类名:
(gdb) p ((InstanceKlass*)0x80084a10)->_name->base()
$10 = (const u1 *) 0x7ffff03fd69e "org/openjdk/jol/samples/TestClass", '\361' <repeats 39 times>, "\350\216u"
可见,结果对得上 hsdb 的结果。
地址 0x80084a10 就是在上面 java 中的 Compressed class space 中。根据是进程启动时输出了:
[168173] Compressed class space mapped at: 0x0000000080000000-0x00000000c0000000, reserved size: 1073741824