JVM 内部锁#
JVM 全局锁#
extern Mutex* CompiledIC_lock; // a lock used to guard compiled IC patching and access
extern Monitor* JNICritical_lock; // a lock used while entering and exiting JNI critical regions, allows GC to sometimes get in
extern Mutex* JvmtiThreadState_lock; // a lock on modification of JVMTI thread data
extern Monitor* EscapeBarrier_lock; // a lock to sync reallocating and relocking objects because of JVMTI access
extern Monitor* Heap_lock; // a lock on the heap
extern Monitor* CodeCache_lock; // a lock on the CodeCache
extern Monitor* VMOperation_lock; // a lock on queue of vm_operations waiting to execute
extern Monitor* Threads_lock; // a lock on the Threads table of active Java threads
extern Mutex* Metaspace_lock; // protects Metaspace virtualspace and chunk expansions
JVM Mutex#
// A Mutex/Monitor is a simple wrapper around a native lock plus condition
// variable that supports lock ownership tracking, lock ranking for deadlock
// detection and coordinates with the safepoint protocol.
// Locking is non-recursive: if you try to lock a mutex you already own then you
// will get an assertion failure in a debug build (which should suffice to expose
// usage bugs). If you call try_lock on a mutex you already own it will return false.
// The underlying PlatformMutex may support recursive locking but this is not exposed
// and we account for that possibility in try_lock.
// A thread is not allowed to safepoint while holding a mutex whose rank
// is nosafepoint or lower.
class Mutex : public CHeapObj<mtSynchronizer> {
// The _owner field is only set by the current thread, either to itself after it has acquired
// the low-level _lock, or to null before it has released the _lock. Accesses by any thread other
// than the lock owner are inherently racy.
Thread* volatile _owner;
void raw_set_owner(Thread* new_owner) { Atomic::store(&_owner, new_owner); }
protected: // Monitor-Mutex metadata
PlatformMonitor _lock; // Native monitor implementation
const char* _name; // Name of mutex/monitor
// Debugging fields for naming, deadlock detection, etc. (some only used in debug mode)
#ifndef PRODUCT
bool _allow_vm_block;
#ifdef ASSERT
Rank _rank; // rank (to avoid/detect potential deadlocks)
Mutex* _next; // Used by a Thread to link up owned locks
Thread* _last_owner; // the last thread to own the lock
bool _skip_rank_check; // read only by owner when doing rank checks
static Mutex* get_least_ranked_lock(Mutex* locks);
Mutex* get_least_ranked_lock_besides_this(Mutex* locks);
bool skip_rank_check() {
assert(owned_by_self(), "only the owner should call this");
return _skip_rank_check;
Rank rank() const { return _rank; }
const char* rank_name() const;
Mutex* next() const { return _next; }
#endif // ASSERT
void set_owner_implementation(Thread* owner) NOT_DEBUG({ raw_set_owner(owner);});
void check_block_state (Thread* thread) NOT_DEBUG_RETURN;
void check_safepoint_state (Thread* thread) NOT_DEBUG_RETURN;
void check_no_safepoint_state(Thread* thread) NOT_DEBUG_RETURN;
void check_rank (Thread* thread) NOT_DEBUG_RETURN;
void assert_owner (Thread* expected) NOT_DEBUG_RETURN;
static const bool _allow_vm_block_flag = true;
// Locks can be acquired with or without a safepoint check. NonJavaThreads do not follow
// the safepoint protocol when acquiring locks.
// Each lock can be acquired by only JavaThreads, only NonJavaThreads, or shared between
// Java and NonJavaThreads. When the lock is initialized with rank > nosafepoint,
// that means that whenever the lock is acquired by a JavaThread, it will verify that
// it is done with a safepoint check. In corollary, when the lock is initialized with
// rank <= nosafepoint, that means that whenever the lock is acquired by a JavaThread
// it will verify that it is done without a safepoint check.
// TODO: Locks that are shared between JavaThreads and NonJavaThreads
// should never encounter a safepoint check while they are held, or else a
// deadlock can occur. We should check this by noting which
// locks are shared, and walk held locks during safepoint checking.
enum class SafepointCheckFlag {
// Bring the enumerator names into class scope.
static const SafepointCheckFlag _safepoint_check_flag =
static const SafepointCheckFlag _no_safepoint_check_flag =
Mutex(Rank rank, const char *name, bool allow_vm_block);
Mutex(Rank rank, const char *name) :
Mutex(rank, name, rank > nosafepoint ? false : true) {}
void lock(); // prints out warning if VM thread blocks
void lock(Thread *thread); // overloaded with current thread
void unlock();
bool is_locked() const { return owner() != nullptr; }
bool try_lock(); // Like lock(), but unblocking. It returns false instead
void lock_contended(Thread *thread); // contended slow-path
bool try_lock_inner(bool do_rank_checks);
void release_for_safepoint();
// Lock without safepoint check. Should ONLY be used by safepoint code and other code
// that is guaranteed not to block while running inside the VM.
void lock_without_safepoint_check();
void lock_without_safepoint_check(Thread* self);
// A thread should not call this if failure to acquire ownership will blocks its progress
bool try_lock_without_rank_check();
// Current owner - note not MT-safe. Can only be used to guarantee that
// the current running thread owns the lock
Thread* owner() const { return Atomic::load(&_owner); }
void set_owner(Thread* owner) { set_owner_implementation(owner); }
bool owned_by_self() const;
const char *name() const { return _name; }
void print_on_error(outputStream* st) const;
#ifndef PRODUCT
void print_on(outputStream* st) const;
void print() const;
JVM Monitor#
class Monitor : public Mutex {
Monitor(Rank rank, const char *name, bool allow_vm_block) :
Mutex(rank, name, allow_vm_block) {}
Monitor(Rank rank, const char *name) :
Mutex(rank, name) {}
// default destructor
// Wait until monitor is notified (or times out).
// Defaults are to make safepoint checks, wait time is forever (i.e.,
// zero). Returns true if wait times out; otherwise returns false.
bool wait(uint64_t timeout = 0);
bool wait_without_safepoint_check(uint64_t timeout = 0);
void notify();
void notify_all();
Monitor wait#
的 wait ,分为带 safepoint check 的,和不带的:
// timeout is in milliseconds - with zero meaning never timeout
bool Monitor::wait_without_safepoint_check(uint64_t timeout) {
Thread* const self = Thread::current();
// conceptually set the owner to null in anticipation of
// abdicating the lock in wait
// Check safepoint state after resetting owner and possible NSV.
int wait_status = _lock.wait(timeout);
return wait_status != 0; // return true IFF timeout
// timeout is in milliseconds - with zero meaning never timeout
bool Monitor::wait(uint64_t timeout) {
JavaThread* const self = JavaThread::current();
// Safepoint checking logically implies an active JavaThread.
assert(self->is_active_Java_thread(), "invariant");
// conceptually set the owner to null in anticipation of
// abdicating the lock in wait
// Check safepoint state after resetting owner and possible NSV.
int wait_status;
InFlightMutexRelease ifmr(this);
ThreadBlockInVMPreprocess<InFlightMutexRelease> tbivmdc(self, ifmr);
OSThreadWaitState osts(self->osthread(), false /* not Object.wait() */);
wait_status = _lock.wait(timeout);
if (ifmr.not_released()) {
// Not unlocked by ~ThreadBlockInVMPreprocess
// Conceptually reestablish ownership of the lock.
} else {
return wait_status != 0; // return true IFF timeout
// timeout is in milliseconds - with zero meaning never timeout
bool Monitor::wait(uint64_t timeout) {
JavaThread* const self = JavaThread::current();
// Safepoint checking logically implies an active JavaThread.
assert(self->is_active_Java_thread(), "invariant");
// conceptually set the owner to null in anticipation of
// abdicating the lock in wait
// Check safepoint state after resetting owner and possible NSV.
int wait_status;
InFlightMutexRelease ifmr(this);
ThreadBlockInVMPreprocess<InFlightMutexRelease> tbivmdc(self, ifmr);
OSThreadWaitState osts(self->osthread(), false /* not Object.wait() */);
wait_status = _lock.wait(timeout);
if (ifmr.not_released()) {
// Not unlocked by ~ThreadBlockInVMPreprocess
// Conceptually reestablish ownership of the lock.
} else {
return wait_status != 0; // return true IFF timeout
带 safepoint check 的 Monitor 在发生 safepoint 时,可以执行 safepoint 任务。 stack 例子见:
libjvm.so!HandshakeOperation::do_handshake(HandshakeOperation * const this, JavaThread * thread) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/handshake.cpp:319)
libjvm.so!HandshakeState::process_by_self(HandshakeState * const this, bool allow_suspend, bool check_async_exception) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/handshake.cpp:562)
libjvm.so!SafepointMechanism::process(JavaThread * thread, bool allow_suspend, bool check_async_exception) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/safepointMechanism.cpp:159)
libjvm.so!SafepointMechanism::process_if_requested(JavaThread * thread, bool allow_suspend, bool check_async_exception) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/safepointMechanism.inline.hpp:83)
libjvm.so!ThreadBlockInVMPreprocess<InFlightMutexRelease>::~ThreadBlockInVMPreprocess(ThreadBlockInVMPreprocess<InFlightMutexRelease> * const this) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/interfaceSupport.inline.hpp:218)
libjvm.so!Monitor::wait(Monitor * const this, uint64_t timeout) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/mutex.cpp:255)
libjvm.so!MonitorLocker::wait(MonitorLocker * const this, int64_t timeout) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/mutexLocker.hpp:255)
libjvm.so!CompileQueue::get(CompileQueue * const this, CompilerThread * thread) (/src/hotspot/share/compiler/compileBroker.cpp:414)
libjvm.so!CompileBroker::compiler_thread_loop() (/src/hotspot/share/compiler/compileBroker.cpp:1907)
libjvm.so!CompilerThread::thread_entry(JavaThread * thread, JavaThread * __the_thread__) (/src/hotspot/share/compiler/compilerThread.cpp:58)
libjvm.so!JavaThread::thread_main_inner(JavaThread * const this) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/javaThread.cpp:719)
libjvm.so!JavaThread::run(JavaThread * const this) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/javaThread.cpp:704)
libjvm.so!Thread::call_run(Thread * const this) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/thread.cpp:217)
libjvm.so!thread_native_entry(Thread * thread) (/src/hotspot/os/linux/os_linux.cpp:778)
libc.so.6!start_thread(void * arg) (pthread_create.c:442)
libc.so.6!clone3() (clone3.S:81)
为什么要带 safepoint check ? 因为像上面例子中 C2 CompilerThre
这种 NonJava 的 thread 。也需要在非忙时执行 global safepoint 任务。