
Safepoint 作为 Java 最让 end-user 讨厌,但又最让 JVM 实现者爱恨交织,重度依赖的机制。成为每个要研究 Java/JVM 的人都必须研究的机制。


图: Safepoint 是 JVM 众多模块的依赖和协调机制 (来自: HotSpot JVM Deep Dive - Safepoint)

Safepoint 术语#

先看看 Safepoint 相关知识的术语:

Safepoint / Safepointing / Stopping-the-world

来自: HotSpot JVM Deep Dive - Safepoint

  • Thread-local GC root := An oop , i.e. a pointer into the Java heap, local to a JavaThread. The denoted Java object is a root of a reachability tree.

  • Mutable thread state := A JavaThread state in which the thread can mutate the Java heap or its thread-local GC roots. Aka an unsafe state.

  • A Safepoint (noun) is a global JVM state

    • Intuition: At this point (state), the Java world is stopped. It is therefore safe, as in exclusive access, to inspect and process by the JVM.

    • Technical: No JavaThread is executing inside or can transition into a thread state classified as mutable

    • Technical: Thread-local GC roots for all JavaThreads are accessible (published) to the JVM

  • Safepointing (verb) or Stopping-the-world is a JVM process or mechanism to reach a Safepoint

    • Intuition, older notion: “The process of halting or stopping all executing Java threads”

    • Technical: The JVM cooperates with Java Threads using a technique called Cooperative Suspension

  • Cooperative Suspension is a poll-based technique

    • JavaThreads check or poll thread-local state at designated locations

    • On suspension, the JVM blocks JavaThreads from transitioning into thread states classified as mutable

    • On suspension, the JVM triggers JavaThreads to transition from a mutable into an immutable thread state. As a consequence, thread-local GC roots are published.

    • For example:

      • mov r10, qword ptr [r15+130h] // get thread-local poll page address

      • test dword ptr [r10], eax // try to read the poll page

  • Traditionally, bringing the system to a Safepoint has been a necessary evil for runtimes that provide some form of automatic memory management**

    • A pervasive JVM/Runtime mechanism. Consequently, a lot of machinery in the JVM.

    • But JVM developments, especially in the GC area, move ever closer to obviating the need for the global JVM safepoint state.

  • Thread-local GC root := JavaThread 本地的一个指向 heap 的 oop 。作为 GC 对象可达性分析树的树根

  • Mutable thread state := 指一类型的 JavaThread 的状态,在该状态下,线程可以改变 Java help 或其 Thread-local GC root。又称 unsafe state

  • Safepoint (名词) 是指一种 JVM 全局状态

    • 直觉上:此时(状态),Java 世界已停止。因此,JVM 检查和处理是安全的,就像独占访问一样。

    • 技术上:没有 JavaThread 在内部执行或可以转换为归类为 Mutable thread state 的线程

    • 技术上:所有 JavaThread 的Thread-local GC root都可以访问(发布)到 JVM

  • Safepointing(动词) 或 Stopping-the-world 是 JVM 达到安全点的过程或机制

    • 直觉上,较旧的概念:暂停或停止所有正在执行的 Java 线程的过程

    • 技术:JVM 使用一种称为Cooperative Suspension 协作挂起的技术与 Java 线程协作

  • 传统上,将系统置于Safepoint对于提供某种形式的自动内存管理的运行时来说是一种必要之恶

    • 但是 JVM 的发展,特别是在 GC 领域,已经越来越接近于消除对全局 JVM 安全点状态的需求。

Safepoint 流程概述#


alt text

图: Stop The World 的步骤。Source: Async-profiler - manual by use cases

  1. Global safepoint request

    1.1 有一个线程向一个叫 VM Thread 提出了进入 safepoint 的请求,请求中带上 safepoint operation 参数,参数其实是 STOP THE WORLD(STW) 后要执行的 Callback 操作 。可能是触发 GC。也可能是其它原因。

    1.2 VM Thread 线程在收到 safepoint request 后,修改一个 JVM 全局的 safepoint flag 为 true(这个 flag 可以是操作系统的内存页权限标识) 。

    1.3 然后这个 VM Thread 就开始等待其它应用线程(App thread) 到达(进入) safepoint 。

    1.4 其它应用线程(App thread)其实会高频检查这个 safepoint flag ,当发现为 true 时,就到达(进入) safepoint 状态。

  2. Global safepoint

    VM Thread 发现所有 App thread 都到达 safepoint (真实的 STW 的开始) 。就开始执行 safepoint operationGC 操作safepoint operation 其中一种可能类型。

  3. End of safepoint operation

    safepoint operation 执行完毕, VM Thread 结束 STW 。

JavaThread - State#

详见本书的 Threads Handshake - JavaThread - State 一节。

Safepoint 协作流程详述#

Safepoint 协作流程可以划分为以下几步:

  1. VM Thread 监听 Safepoint Request - 见本书的 VMThread - VM Operations - VM Thread 监听 Safepoint Request 一节。

  2. 应用线程 Polling Safepoint - 见 Threads Handshake - Polling 一节。

  3. 一个应用线程 Request Safepoint - 详见本书的 VMThread - VM Operations - VM Operation Request 一节。

  4. 接收 Safepoint Request

  5. Arm Safepoint - 标记所有线程

  6. 应用线程陷入 Safepoint - 见 Threads Handshake - Reach and handle 一节。

  7. 等待所有应用线程到达 Safepoint

  8. 执行 Stop The World 操作

  9. Disarming Safepoint

  10. 应用线程离开 Safepoint

  11. 发起 Request Safepoint 的应用线程恢复运行

图:VM Operations

图:VM Operations#

用 打开


以下结合示例代码 ,以及本书实验环境一节 用 VSCode gdb 去 debug JVM 的环境,来理论结合实验 fact check 分析一下内存分配失败后诱发 GC 的 Safepoint 流程。

bash -c 'echo $$ > /tmp/ && exec setarch $(uname -m) --addr-no-randomize /home/labile/opensource/jdk/build/linux-x86_64-server-slowdebug-hsdis/jdk/bin/java -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch  -Xms100m -Xmx100m -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=5 -server -XX:+UseSerialGC  -XX:-UseCompressedOops -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions "-Xlog:gc*=debug::tid" -Xlog:safepoint=debug::tid -cp /home/labile/pub-diy/jvm-insider-book/memory/java-obj-layout/out/production/java-obj-layout com.mygraphql.jvm.insider.safepoint.SafepointGDB'

接收 Safepoint Request#

可能是分配内存失败触发 GC,也可能是其它原因,Java 线程向 VM Thread 提出了进入 safepoint 的请求(VM_Operation),请求中带上 safepoint operation 参数,参数其实是 STOP THE WORLD(STW) 后要执行的 Callback 操作 。

void VMThread::inner_execute(VM_Operation* op) {
  if (_cur_vm_operation->evaluate_at_safepoint() &&
      !SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint()) {
    SafepointSynchronize::begin(); // <<<----
    if (has_timeout_task) {
    end_safepoint = true;

  evaluate_operation(_cur_vm_operation); // <<<----

  if (end_safepoint) {
    if (has_timeout_task) {
    SafepointSynchronize::end(); // <<<----


Arm Safepoint - 标记所有线程#

VM Thread 线程在收到 safepoint request 后,修改一个 JVM 全局的 safepoint flag 为 true(这个 flag 可以是操作系统的内存页权限标识) 。

Arm Safepoint 术语中这个 arm 可以直译成 “武装/装备” ,但我翻译成设置标志


// Roll all threads forward to a safepoint and suspend them all
void SafepointSynchronize::begin() {
  int nof_threads = Threads::number_of_threads();
  _nof_threads_hit_polling_page = 0;
  // Arms the safepoint, _current_jni_active_count and _waiting_to_block must be set before.
  // Will spin until all threads are safe.
  int iterations = synchronize_threads(safepoint_limit_time, nof_threads, &initial_running);

void SafepointSynchronize::arm_safepoint() {
  // Begin the process of bringing the system to a safepoint.
  // Java threads can be in several different states and are
  // stopped by different mechanisms:
  //  1. Running interpreted
  //     When executing branching/returning byte codes interpreter
  //     checks if the poll is armed, if so blocks in SS::block().
  //  2. Running in native code
  //     When returning from the native code, a Java thread must check
  //     the safepoint _state to see if we must block.  If the
  //     VM thread sees a Java thread in native, it does
  //     not wait for this thread to block.  The order of the memory
  //     writes and reads of both the safepoint state and the Java
  //     threads state is critical.  In order to guarantee that the
  //     memory writes are serialized with respect to each other,
  //     the VM thread issues a memory barrier instruction.
  //  3. Running compiled Code
  //     Compiled code reads the local polling page that
  //     is set to fault if we are trying to get to a safepoint.
  //  4. Blocked
  //     A thread which is blocked will not be allowed to return from the
  //     block condition until the safepoint operation is complete.
  //  5. In VM or Transitioning between states
  //     If a Java thread is currently running in the VM or transitioning
  //     between states, the safepointing code will poll the thread state
  //     until the thread blocks itself when it attempts transitions to a
  //     new state or locking a safepoint checked monitor.

  // We must never miss a thread with correct safepoint id, so we must make sure we arm
  // the wait barrier for the next safepoint id/counter.
  // Arming must be done after resetting _current_jni_active_count, _waiting_to_block.
  for (JavaThreadIteratorWithHandle jtiwh; JavaThread *cur =; ) {
    // Make sure the threads start polling, it is time to yield.

可见,vm thread 逐一 arm 所有的应用线程 。

自从 OpenJDK10 的 JEP 312: Thread-Local Handshakes - 2017年 后,就有了非 JVM Global 的 Safepoint - Thread Safepoint 。而 JVM Global 的 Safepoint 好像也修改为基于 Thread-Local Handshakes 去实现,即对每一条 JavaThread 执行 Thread-Local Handshakes


void SafepointMechanism::arm_local_poll(JavaThread* thread) {

inline void SafepointMechanism::ThreadData::set_polling_word(uintptr_t poll_value) {
  Atomic::store(&_polling_word, poll_value);

inline void SafepointMechanism::ThreadData::set_polling_page(uintptr_t poll_value) {
  Atomic::store(&_polling_page, poll_value);

可以用下图说明 polling_page 的切换:


图: polling_page 的切换. Source: The Inner Workings of Safepoints 2023 -

等待所有应用线程到达 Safepoint#

然后这个 VM Thread 就开始等待其它应用线程(App thread) 到达(进入) safepoint 。


int SafepointSynchronize::synchronize_threads(jlong safepoint_limit_time, int nof_threads, int* initial_running)
  // Iterate through all threads until it has been determined how to stop them all at a safepoint.
  int still_running = nof_threads;
  ThreadSafepointState *tss_head = nullptr;
  ThreadSafepointState **p_prev = &tss_head;
  for (; JavaThread *cur =; ) {
    ThreadSafepointState *cur_tss = cur->safepoint_state();
    assert(cur_tss->get_next() == nullptr, "Must be null");
    if (thread_not_running(cur_tss)) {
    } else {
      *p_prev = cur_tss;
      p_prev = cur_tss->next_ptr();

Stack example:!__GI___clock_nanosleep(clockid_t clock_id, int flags, const struct timespec * req, struct timespec * rem) (clock_nanosleep.c:78)!__GI___nanosleep(const struct timespec * req, struct timespec * rem) (nanosleep.c:25)!os::naked_short_nanosleep(jlong ns) (/jdk/src/hotspot/os/posix/os_posix.cpp:892)!back_off(int64_t start_time) (/jdk/src/hotspot/share/runtime/safepoint.cpp:212)!SafepointSynchronize::synchronize_threads(jlong safepoint_limit_time, int nof_threads, int * initial_running) (/jdk/src/hotspot/share/runtime/safepoint.cpp:284)!SafepointSynchronize::begin() (/jdk/src/hotspot/share/runtime/safepoint.cpp:393)!VMThread::inner_execute(VMThread * const this, VM_Operation * op) (/jdk/src/hotspot/share/runtime/vmThread.cpp:428)!VMThread::loop(VMThread * const this) (/jdk/src/hotspot/share/runtime/vmThread.cpp:502)!VMThread::run(VMThread * const this) (/jdk/src/hotspot/share/runtime/vmThread.cpp:175)!Thread::call_run(Thread * const this) (/jdk/src/hotspot/share/runtime/thread.cpp:217)!thread_native_entry(Thread * thread) (/jdk/src/hotspot/os/linux/os_linux.cpp:778)!start_thread(void * arg) (pthread_create.c:442)!clone3() (clone3.S:81)

这里有个有趣的号外。Java profile 工具 async-profiler 有个 time-to-safepoint profiling 的功能,可以分析 JVM 在 arm global safepoint 到所有线程到达 safepoint 之间,各线程在忙什么:

  • --begin function, --end function - automatically start/stop profiling when the specified native function is executed.

  • --ttsp - time-to-safepoint profiling. An alias for --begin SafepointSynchronize::begin --end RuntimeService::record_safepoint_synchronized It is not a separate event type, but rather a constraint. Whatever event type you choose (e.g. cpu or wall), the profiler will work as usual, except that only events between the safepoint request and the start of the VM operation will be recorded.

开始 profiling 用 SafepointSynchronize::begin 完全可以理解,但为何结束 profiling 用 RuntimeService::record_safepoint_synchronized ?不应该是 SafepointSynchronize::synchronize_threads 返回吗?其实两者只有一点点区别,有兴趣的同学自己看 SafepointSynchronize::begin 的原码吧。

执行 Stop The World 操作#

VM Thread 发现所有 App thread 都到达 safepoint (真实的 STW 的开始) 。就开始执行 safepoint operationGC 操作safepoint operation 其中一种可能类型。


void VMThread::evaluate_operation(VM_Operation* op) {
  ResourceMark rm;

    PerfTraceTime vm_op_timer(perf_accumulated_vm_operation_time());
                     (char *) op->name(), strlen(op->name()),
                     op->evaluate_at_safepoint() ? 0 : 1);

    EventExecuteVMOperation event;
    if (event.should_commit()) {
      post_vm_operation_event(&event, op);

                     (char *) op->name(), strlen(op->name()),
                     op->evaluate_at_safepoint() ? 0 : 1);


call stack e.g:!VMThread::evaluate_operation(VMThread * const this, VM_Operation * op) (/jdk/src/hotspot/share/runtime/vmThread.cpp:272)!VMThread::inner_execute(VMThread * const this, VM_Operation * op) (/jdk/src/hotspot/share/runtime/vmThread.cpp:435)!VMThread::loop(VMThread * const this) (/jdk/src/hotspot/share/runtime/vmThread.cpp:502)!VMThread::run(VMThread * const this) (/jdk/src/hotspot/share/runtime/vmThread.cpp:175)!Thread::call_run(Thread * const this) (/jdk/src/hotspot/share/runtime/thread.cpp:217)!thread_native_entry(Thread * thread) (/jdk/src/hotspot/os/linux/os_linux.cpp:778)!start_thread(void * arg) (pthread_create.c:442)!clone3() (clone3.S:81)

Stop The World - GC#


// The following class hierarchy represents
// a set of operations (VM_Operation) related to GC.
//  VM_Operation
//    VM_GC_Sync_Operation
//      VM_GC_Operation
//        VM_GC_HeapInspection
//        VM_PopulateDynamicDumpSharedSpace
//        VM_GenCollectFull
//        VM_ParallelGCSystemGC
//        VM_CollectForAllocation
//          VM_GenCollectForAllocation
//          VM_ParallelGCFailedAllocation
//      VM_Verify
//      VM_PopulateDumpSharedSpace
//  VM_GC_Sync_Operation
//   - implements only synchronization with other VM operations of the
//     same kind using the Heap_lock, not actually doing a GC.
//  VM_GC_Operation
//   - implements methods common to all operations that perform garbage collections,
//     checking that the VM is in a state to do GC and preventing multiple GC
//     requests.
//  VM_GC_HeapInspection
//   - prints class histogram on SIGBREAK if PrintClassHistogram
//     is specified; and also the attach "inspectheap" operation
//  VM_CollectForAllocation
//  VM_GenCollectForAllocation
//  VM_ParallelGCFailedAllocation
//   - this operation is invoked when allocation is failed;
//     operation performs garbage collection and tries to
//     allocate afterwards;
//  VM_GenCollectFull
//  VM_ParallelGCSystemGC
//   - these operations perform full collection of heaps of
//     different kind
//  VM_Verify
//   - verifies the heap
//  VM_PopulateDynamicDumpSharedSpace
//   - populates the CDS archive area with the information from the archive file.
//  VM_PopulateDumpSharedSpace
//   - creates the CDS archive

class VM_GC_Sync_Operation : public VM_Operation {...}

class VM_GC_Operation: public VM_GC_Sync_Operation {
  uint           _gc_count_before;         // gc count before acquiring the Heap_lock
  uint           _full_gc_count_before;    // full gc count before acquiring the Heap_lock
  bool           _full;                    // whether a "full" collection
  bool           _prologue_succeeded;      // whether doit_prologue succeeded
  GCCause::Cause _gc_cause;                // the putative cause for this gc op
  bool           _gc_locked;               // will be set if gc was locked

从上 class 继承关系可见 VM_GenCollectForAllocation 实现了 VM_Operation 接口。


void VM_GenCollectForAllocation::doit() {
  SvcGCMarker sgcm(SvcGCMarker::MINOR);

  GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
  GCCauseSetter gccs(gch, _gc_cause);
  _result = gch->satisfy_failed_allocation(_word_size, _tlab);
  assert(_result == nullptr || gch->is_in_reserved(_result), "result not in heap");

  if (_result == nullptr && GCLocker::is_active_and_needs_gc()) {

通过 gdb breakpoint ,可以观察到, VM_GenCollectForAllocation._gc_cause 类型为 GCCause::_allocation_failure

call stack e.g:!VM_GenCollectForAllocation::doit(VM_GenCollectForAllocation * const this) (/jdk/src/hotspot/share/gc/shared/gcVMOperations.cpp:199)!VM_Operation::evaluate(VM_Operation * const this) (/jdk/src/hotspot/share/runtime/vmOperations.cpp:71)!VMThread::evaluate_operation(VMThread * const this, VM_Operation * op) (/jdk/src/hotspot/share/runtime/vmThread.cpp:281)!VMThread::inner_execute(VMThread * const this, VM_Operation * op) (/jdk/src/hotspot/share/runtime/vmThread.cpp:435)!VMThread::loop(VMThread * const this) (/jdk/src/hotspot/share/runtime/vmThread.cpp:502)!VMThread::run(VMThread * const this) (/jdk/src/hotspot/share/runtime/vmThread.cpp:175)!Thread::call_run(Thread * const this) (/jdk/src/hotspot/share/runtime/thread.cpp:217)!thread_native_entry(Thread * thread) (/jdk/src/hotspot/os/linux/os_linux.cpp:778)!start_thread(void * arg) (pthread_create.c:442)!clone3() (clone3.S:81)

Disarming Safepoint#


// Disarming one thread 
void SafepointMechanism::disarm_local_poll(JavaThread* thread) {

应用线程离开 Safepoint#

call stack:!syscall() (syscall.S:38)!futex(volatile int * addr, int futex_op, int op_arg) (/jdk/src/hotspot/os/linux/waitBarrier_linux.cpp:49)!LinuxWaitBarrier::wait(LinuxWaitBarrier * const this, int barrier_tag) (/jdk/src/hotspot/os/linux/waitBarrier_linux.cpp:76)!WaitBarrierType<LinuxWaitBarrier>::wait(WaitBarrierType<LinuxWaitBarrier> * const this, int barrier_tag) (/jdk/src/hotspot/share/utilities/waitBarrier.hpp:128)!SafepointSynchronize::block(JavaThread * thread) (/jdk/src/hotspot/share/runtime/safepoint.cpp:742)!SafepointMechanism::process(JavaThread * thread, bool allow_suspend, bool check_async_exception) (/jdk/src/hotspot/share/runtime/safepointMechanism.cpp:148)!SafepointMechanism::process_if_requested(JavaThread * thread, bool allow_suspend, bool check_async_exception) (/jdk/src/hotspot/share/runtime/safepointMechanism.inline.hpp:83)!SafepointMechanism::process_if_requested_with_exit_check(JavaThread * thread, bool check_async_exception) (/jdk/src/hotspot/share/runtime/safepointMechanism.inline.hpp:88)!ThreadSafepointState::handle_polling_page_exception(ThreadSafepointState * const this) (/jdk/src/hotspot/share/runtime/safepoint.cpp:985)!SafepointSynchronize::handle_polling_page_exception(JavaThread * thread) (/jdk/src/hotspot/share/runtime/safepoint.cpp:778)
[Unknown/Just-In-Time compiled code] (Unknown Source:0)


// Process pending operation.
void ThreadSafepointState::handle_polling_page_exception() {
    // Process pending operation
    // We never deliver an async exception at a polling point as the
    // compiler may not have an exception handler for it (polling at
    // a return point is ok though). We will check for a pending async
    // exception below and deoptimize if needed. We also cannot deoptimize
    // and still install the exception here because live registers needed
    // during deoptimization are clobbered by the exception path. The
    // exception will just be delivered once we get into the interpreter.
    SafepointMechanism::process_if_requested_with_exit_check(self, false /* check asyncs */);
// Implementation of Safepoint blocking point

void SafepointSynchronize::block(JavaThread *thread) {

  // Threads shouldn't block if they are in the middle of printing, but...

  JavaThreadState state = thread->thread_state();

  uint64_t safepoint_id = SafepointSynchronize::safepoint_counter();

  // We have no idea where the VMThread is, it might even be at next safepoint.
  // So we can miss this poll, but stop at next.

  // Load dependent store, it must not pass loading of safepoint_id.
  thread->safepoint_state()->set_safepoint_id(safepoint_id); // Release store

  // This part we can skip if we notice we miss or are in a future safepoint.
  // Load in wait barrier should not float up


Safepoint 问题排查#

Safepoint 是 JVM 性能问题的热点爆发地。我之前写有一些文章去排查相关问题:
